Wala Wahed


GENRE: Shaabi

This is a fantastic song by Hakim, one of the main superstars of shaabi, which is Egyptian “music of the streets.”

el-Hobbi nadani
(el-Hobbi nadani)


waHed, etnein, talata, arba3a
One, two, three, four
heeeeey ah!


wala waHed wala meyya
wala waHed wala meyya
wala waHed wala meyya wala wala milyon


You’re not one in a hundred 100, not one in a thousand, you’re one in a million, wala milyon!!


Yama (yama, yama alou aleih)
Yama (yama, yama alou aleih)
Yama (yama, yama alou aleih)
Yama (yama, yama alou aleih)


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