Update March 15, 2014

AATW Webcast Class Thursdays 10am ESTHi friends . . . Taking the leap and starting to offer music classes by weekly webcast. LEARN MORE HERE.

Announcing All Around This World’s Weekly Webcast Classes for You and Your Kids

All Around This World’s unique, inspiring world music and global cultures classes for little kids (0-9 years-old) and their families will soon be available to you, wherever you are, LIVE each week, beamed right to your computer via webcast.

Jay Sand, founder and lead teacher of All Around This World, will soon start offering his one-of-a-kind world music and global cultures program for your family or school classroom to enjoy.  

Each weekly AATW webcast class will be approximately 40 minutes long and will consist of interactive songs, dances and cultural experiences from the inventive All Around This World curriculum. These will be classes intended for parents/caregivers to enjoy with their little children and teachers to enjoy with their preschool or daycare students. Don’t just stick those little ones in front of the screen! This is a time to sing and dance together.

Live classes will take place Thursday mornings but the video will be available for your singing, dancing and learning pleasure several times throughout the week. Now, no matter where you live, you can explore global music and cultures with into your family, playgroup, daycare/preschool/kindergarten/lower elementary school classroom or community group. Hurrah!