Explore Everywhere kicks off: Meet Africa

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The first week of All Around This World’s daily online learning adventure, Explore Everywhere, started with a bang — the bang of a kpanlogo drum booming out all over the vast African continent. Click here for a summary.

AATW--Africa CLASSROOMS Everywhere Map (smaller for imagemap)This week was one of overviews and introductions:

— the first weekly “Five Song Sing-Along” class

the song we sing each class as our hello and goodbye

the songs on the All Around This World: Africa (Classrooms) CD, which we’ll use as our “textbook”

— lists of interesting books and movies set in Africa that we’re going to read and watch together as we go through the summer.

Each week I’ll post the week-end Explore Everywhere summary for everyone to enjoy, and occasionally post something based on the daily Explore Everywhere lesson. Much of the content will be for subscribers only, but if you’re not on the list, don’t fret — we’ll still find a way to have fun.