A Strong Song from the Northern Cree

This week in class we sing a song by the Thompson River First Nation of Western Canada, something members of the tribe may sing with pride at a “Pow Wow.” A pow wow is a Native American/First Nations social gathering, a time for Native American tribes — sometimes just one tribe, but more often many — to sing, dance, socialize and respect their communal traditions. Music features prominently at most pow wows — drumming around a big gathering drum, singing with enthusiastic joy. Dancers interplay with the singing and rhythm, taking cues from, and giving cues to, the musicians. Some tribes’ songs are 100% vocables — sounds that replace distinct lyrics to experess emotion. Songs of other tribes, like the Cree, Pikuni, Lakhota and Salish, often feature lyrics in Native languages. In this video we enjoy a powerful pow wow performance by members of the Northern Cree.
