Tag Archives | Afro-Ecuadorian

Starting our adventure in Ecuador

Let’s begin with Papá Roncón….

As we start this week’s adventure in Ecuador, let’s enjoy this video of the belowed Papá Roncón. Born in the Ecuadorian city of Esmeraldas, center of Afro-Ecuadorian culture, Roncón was both a musician and a musical educator, founding the “La Catanga” school of traditional cultural to teach young children to appreciate and perform Afro-Ecuadorian music.

Balancing a Bottle on your Bomba

In Ecuador when you dance to bomba a form of Afro-Ecuadorian music from the Chota Valley you’ll probably do so while balancing a wine bottle on your head, like in this video (look at 1:40). When you and your two year-olds dance to bomba in music class you’ll more likely balance a “whine” bottle. Heh. Heh heh.