Tag Archives | Estonia

The Baltic Way is Our Way Too

In class this week we introduce our kiddos to “The Baltic Way,” the 1989 “hands across the Baltics” 400 mile human chain that unified the nations against the Soviet Union. In our humble how-to video we celebrate the Baltic nations’ strength, bravery and pride by linking arms in class. (Forgive us for mumbling through the Estonian nation anthem.)

Estonia’s Extraordinary “Singing Revolution”

The story of Estonia’s “Singing Revolution” is one of All Around This World’s absolute favorite tales of music changing the world.

In 1991 Estonia, facing staggering uncertainty and every sort of threat, boldly declared independence from the Soviet Union. During that time the Estonian people gathered in the thousands to sing forbidden patriotic songs, asserting their cultural and political self-determination and achieving it non-violently.  The inspiring 2007 documentary, “The Singing Revolution,” tells this tale. Learn about the film here.

Everyone in Estonia is Singing

Is there anything more wondrous — musically, communally and, when you learn more, politically — than Estonian choral singing?

Every five years, Estonians converge on Tallinn for the massive Estonian Song and Dance Celebration and they sing national Estonian songs. This particular Estonian choral singing tradition  started in 1869 when about 1,000 members of men’s choirs and brass bands performed. After World War II the Soviets forced the inclusion of children’s choirs, raising the number of participants substantially, and insisted that the repertoire include foreign songs. Today, over 100,000 gather in Estonia for the event; up to 30,000 are in the choir, 80,000 are in the audience. Want to go? Make your reservation TODAY!

The Baltics are THE BEST

All Around This World map of Eastern Europe featuring the Baltic States.

This week in our online classes we ventured to the Baltic Sea, where we embraced the Baltic States — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Throughout the upcoming week we’ll group the three nations together for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways, but we’ll still recognize that each makes its own own historical, linguistic and musical way. We’ll also do a lot of public choral singing and overcome an empire by holding hands.

Hands Across the Baltics

What was the Baltic Way?

On August 23, 1989, more than a million people from the Baltic states linked hands to form a human chain almost 400 miles long in an event called “The Baltic Way.” The massive hand-holding demonstrated the unity of the people of the Baltics in demanding independence from the Soviet Union.  If this doesn’t remind you of the 1986 “Hands Across America,” if you sing, maybe it will.