Tag Archives | Para Para

Shanadoo Teaches Us How to Para Para

If you want to learn to dance Japanese Para Para, Shanandoo will do the trick. 
We recently met Japanese para para, a fabulous form of synchronized pop dance. Para para is the kind of dancing that is incredibly enjoyable to watch, but even more frantically fun to do. In this video Shanandoo teaches us some Para Para dance moves — the very basics, and they’re wonderful. Don’t be shy, get up and try!

Night of Fire

“Night of Fire” isn’t nearly as scary as it sounds.
Para para is AMAZING. The form of synchronized dancing emerged in Japanese clubs in the 1980’s, providing specific moves, mainly made with the arms, choreographed to frantic Euro-dance. Para Para has ebbed and flowed in popularity, alternating between “boom” and “glacial” periods, though in all periods “official” para para routines found favor among devoted “paralists” while routines choreographed by fans — nicknamed “maniac” — would make the rounds informally, especially outside of Japan where even the most committed dancers would be hard pressed to find a para para club. Purist paralist or no, you will absolutely enjoy — though you will perhaps be slightly confused by — this video introducing “Night of Fire,” Let Shanandoo teach you some basic para para moves.